Java Beginner

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Java Beginner


It has never been more important to be an
expert in this time of AI content

04h 53 Min. 12 Sec. Video Content
Certificate of completion

Watch the first two videos now


IntelliJ Logo

IntelliJ IDEA

Understand the basics of an IDE for creating Java applications with the support of auto-completion and code hints

Primitive Data Types

Understand the core types of every application, starting with the Byte

Create own data types and learn about the special type String

Non Primitive Data Types

Basic Building Blocks

Deepen your understanding of Java's foundational structures, including conditions and sequential blocks. Explore the intricacies of 'For', 'For Each', 'While', and 'Do While' loops, appreciating brevity and readability. This builds a robust foundation for mastering Java's essential building blocks.

Object Orientation

Why Object is a Class but also not

Classes and Objects

In this section you will learn about Classes and Objects, the most important part of Object Orientation. With a Class which is similar to a blueprint you define how the Objects you later on create will look like


Understand the Method Modifiers

(int age)

Learn more about methods and how a method is constructed with access modifiers, return types, name and parameters.

Core Functions

Learn exception handling

Understand Exceptions
Handle Exceptions
Create Exceptions
28.February.2024, 12:48:36

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28-02-2024, 12:48:36 PM


calculate and show correct

Display currency for every language

Learn localization and internationalization in your application to format or display content in a specific language

Coding Session


REST is a standard for sending requests and transferring data between users and servers. It involves different request types like GET for receiving data, POST/PUT for sending data, and DELETE for removing data.

Selfmade REST Service

Before using a library that provides us with all features for creating a webservice we want to implement our own webservice

Spring Logo

Spring Boot REST Service

Create a webservice with Spring Boot under the hood and see the power of a library

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